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MODELS: BS3WBS4WDX-1200CTDX-1200RTDX-1800CF3DX-660CTDX-660RTDX-900CTDX1500CF2DX200FDX200SRDX400RDX400SFDX400SRDX600RDX600SFDX600SRDXB-293FDXF-220HDXR-1330HDXR-1330SDXR-1985HESL3858MBL8960SU1200FSU1200RSU400RVP200RVRX1500/330SVRX1800/330SZD-20W/7
The Diaminox solid door refrigerator is the ideal choice in a commercial food establishment. It is designed to help you preserve your food items for extended periods without experiencing high running costs.
This model comes with a stainless steel interior and exterior that is ideal for the longevity and ease of cleaning of the unit. This enables you to meet all the hygienic requirements in a commercial kitchen. Easy access is granted via 2 solid hinged doors with a lock function to keep your stock well secured.

£999 +VAT

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