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Hobart Catering Equipment
Founded in 1883 in Middletown Ohio.
Patent for the first dishwasher 1886!
MODELS: 00-740892 A20D4822844843-1A200A200NAMXR-16AUPS-10BCB1500C-PLUSCF2117ChefmateCSDUCCSMHCSMH 20CSMH-101G-KK-LCSMH-61E07040ECO+G503S-10AEcomax plus F515SW-10CEF47F504-20BFX800FXLSW-10BFXS400-70NG350-N-10GX SeriesH600HCSCYE6HEF77HEPLG78AHGBRI77HGF4778HSM10HSM40NCM40Rc075RTCU700289
This Hobart Bratt Pan offers great versatility in any kitchen.
Its manual lift gives precise control and ease when tilting and the specially designed pouring lip helps avoid the risk of spillages.
The stainless steel construction provides a great uniform temperature through out the cooking area for better thermal stability & corrosion resistance.

£1250 +VAT

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