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Angelo Po
This Electric Griddle by Angelo Po features a Ribbed Steel Plate and is equipped with two easy to use heat zone controls to allowing you to control both independent elements during quieter or busy periods.

£850 +VAT

This natural gas Angelo Po freestanding 6 burner is a powerful appliance that can deliver high volumes of top-quality food and can withstand the rigours of the busiest commercial kitchens. Featuring valve controlled removable burners and grids in enamelled cast iron. Ideal for use in any commercial kitchen.

£650 +VAT

New, never used and not required any more.

£250 VAT Free

Angelo Po 6300758 AC drive 200/230C
New, never used, still in box with manufacturer instructions not required any more.
Price includes postage

£800 VAT Free

£375 £280 VAT Free

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